On our first concert on Saturday, February 1, Rei Hotoda will conduct the London Symphonia in "A New Moon Celebration" featuring Scott St. John, violin, Lina Cao, gusheng, narrator Derek Kwan and the rising stars of the London Youth Symphony. We will be taken through the meaning of the music much of which will be new to London audiences. We will hear compositions by Kevin Lau, Huang Rui, RenataroTaki, Debussy, Alice Ping Yee Ho, Li Huazhi and Rui Wang. It should be a fascinating evening.
This concert follows the last London Symphonia concert which featured Joe Lanza and the Symphonia Strings in a wonderful Baroque program. Londoners are fortunate to have the opportunity to hear such great music.

See our concert listings on the right for more good music in the London area.
We encourage you to tell your friends to follow us at They can receive our email notices if they send us a note to or call us at 519-433 8332.

The Serenata Music schedule for 2024-25 is as follows:

Saturday, February 1, 2025, 7:30 P.M. Metropolitan United Church. Serenata Music will sponsor Rei Hotoda conducting the London Symphonia in A New Moon Celebration featuring Scott St. John, violin, Lina Cao, gusheng and narrator Derek Kwan.
Friday, February 14, 2025, von Kuster Hall, Western. Serenata Music in collaboration with the Don Wright Faculty of Music will sponsor the Musicians from Marlboro.
Saturday, April 5, 2025, 7:30 P.M. Metropolitan United Church. Serenata Music will sponsor Tania Miller conducting the London Symphonia with violinist Kerson Leong playing the Beethoven violin concerto.

Please contact us if you are not on our mailing list at or 519-433-8332.

For tickets to all Serenata Music concerts scroll down.
Like us on Facebook: Serenata Music; or Twitter: @serenataconcerts.

Serenata Music concerts are at the von Kuster Hall, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western.
London Symphonia Concerts are at the Metropolitan United Church, 468 Wellington St., London.
Other performances are at the Wolf Performance Hall, London Public Library, 251 Dundas St.

Tickets Are Available From

Online from
Grand Theatre London Box Office
Credit card; Cash, Debit at Box Office.
(519) 672-8800
Online at:

London Symphonia-Serenata Music Concerts
London Symphonia box office.; or call 226. 270. 0910
Mailing list
If you would like to be added to our email list please go to the contact page and send an email with your name and email address.
Group rates for Music Teachers and students are available by contacting Serenata Music by email or telephone (519) 433-8332


Alon Goldstein, Piano
Saturday, May 2, 2015, 8 P.M.
Alon Goldstein, piano, in a program bridging the gap between the Romantic and the Modern musical periods. Works by Shubert, Liszt, Janáček, and Debussy provide an eclectic survey of where music was heading prior to the disrupting events of the first half of the 20th century.
Note there is a change in the program.
Schubert, Sonata No.19 in C minor;
Liszt, From Années de pèrelinage; Last scene from Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde;
Janacek, Piano Sonata I.X.1905;
Debussy, Selections from Preludes, Book II.
It is a pleasure to welcome back Alon Goldstein to the Serenata Music stage after a four year absence. He is one of the most original and sensitive pianists of his generation, admired for his musical intelligence, dynamic personality, artistic vision and innovative programming. He has played with the Israel, London, Radio France, and Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestras as well as the Philadelphia, San Francisco, Baltimore, St. Louis, Dallas, Houston, and Vancouver symphonies under such conductors as Zubin Mehta, Herbert Blomstedt, Vladimir Jurowski, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Leon Fleisher, Peter Oundjian, Yoel Levi and others. Over the past several years he has also taught and played at the Steans Institute of the Ravinia Festival, New York’s International Keyboard Festival and "Tel Hai” international piano master classes held in Israel. He recently played and recorded the Mendelssohn Concertos Nos. 1 and 2 with the Israel Chamber Orchestra conducted by Yoav Talmi. This collaboration scored a major success on a 17-concert Latin American tour. In addition to his solo performances he plays with the the Goldstein-Peled-Fiterstein Trio.
For more information see

We are continuing our support of the musicians of Orchestra London Canada and their audience by offering Orchestra London ticket holders a Serenata Music concert ticket at half price. Please bring your Orchestra London ticket May 2, 2015

Concerts of interest:
May 3, 3 P.M. London Youth Symphony and London community Orchestra. http://www.lco-on/ca
May 4, 8 P.M. London Promenade Orchestra.
Musicians of Orchestra London
AN AFTERNOON AT THE PROMS Sunday April 26, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Metropolitan United Church, 468 Wellington St, London, ON
Wednesday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. Dundas Street United Church, 482 Dundas St., London, ON
TICKETS FOR BOTH PERFORMANCES: $10 - $50 available at the door, or online at: